Letter of Recommendation

Mr. Alvito Ahmad
26Almanda drey Street,

13 March, 2020

To Whom it May Concern:

It is an absolute honor to write this letter of recommendation for acceptance of members of Internasional Health Program for Amanda Christyarti Wirdyatmi. I have had the privilege of knowing Amanda since Junior High School and we have been the best of friends for 4 years.

I met Amanda in Junior High School 5 Bandung, we came to be in the same class in 8th Grade. As I got to know Amanda Better, i realized that Amanda is a very nice person. She like to help others. Beside that, she's a kind hearted person and really care about her surrounding. She's a realy good listener and will apreciate everything.

I will always remember how she took care of me when i was sick. She is a well prepared woman, she never forgot ro bring medicines everywhere and everytime. She's a reminder too. That's the reason why if i joined the group with her our work and our activities won't be late.

Based on her characters above, i genuinely believe that Amanda Chrityarti is a suitable candidate to be a member of Internasional Health program.

Puspa Chandra


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