ABOUT ME ver.2

My name is Puspa and my full name is Puspa Chandra Kusuma Wardhani. At 26th November 2019 i will have my sweet 17th birthday. So, now I am 16th years old. I live in Cijeungjing st. South Padalarang. Everyday I go to SMA Negeri 3 Bandung which is in West Belitung number 8 to study except weekend. My chairmate are Ananda, Safina, and Amanda. We usually sit alternately.

My father's name is Pamriadi and my mother's name is Tuti Turimayanti. I have one young brother and two young sisters. My brother's name is Aria Kusumawardana and My sisters' name are R. Andini Bonakeraton and R. Ratu Manikmaya.

I am a girl who is very active, my excess I am easily familiar with other people besides that also I am a person who is not afraid to appear in front of many people. My courage is not only to appear in front of many people, sometimes I also dare to take risks so that I can be said that people who always dare to take many responsibilities. I am also a person who is always in total work, if I am given responsibility and my work is valued, I will definitely do the job with totality.

As a human being i have shortcomings. I think i am a stubborn person, it makes me not want to lose arguing, but that doesn't mean i am not an open minded person. Istill accept entries from people. Besides that, i think i am an overthinking person, sometimes i think too much about what other people say and others think about me. Last, i think i am a person wjo is outspoken of speaking. If i feel strange about something, i will immediately speak out. But, of course i will filter my words before speaking bluntly.

At leisure time, I loved to watch Movie, read books, sing, and write poems. My favourite movie series is Flash. I love that movie because the actor is Grant Grustin, I think he is really good actor with perfect package. My favourite book is "Hujan" by Tereliye. That book can make me cry even I read that book twice. "Hujan" tell me how to be patience and gratefully accept what life has give to you. I think Tereliye is a good writer because he always make me amazed by his writing. Beside that, i love to sing everywhere especially if i feel happy or insecure. Last, i like to write poems. Usually the ideas came when i feel so sad. So, to express my feeling i usually write some poems.

At school i was elected to became a member of Perwakilan Kelas 65. Perwakilan Kelas or Class representatives are the only organization or forum for legislative deliberations that are in the environment of SMA Bandung. In PK 65 i joined the Aspirator division which takes care of the aspirations of the SMA Negeri 3 Bandung community especialy the students.

As an Aspirator that has a job is to deal with aspiratons. Aspirator has a big work programe. The programe is Aspiration Day 2019. In that programe i became a leader and now the Aspiration Day 2019 is on process.

My achivement is i have been chosen to take part in student exchange to Australia. In Australia me and my friends from JHS 5 Bandung study in one of school there. It was a good experience, i had a lot of knowledge from that programe.

I have a dream to be a success entrepreneur. I always want to have my own cafe. And one day my cafe will be recognize in the world. I want to be an entrepreneur from i was in elementary school. tI have learned to make money by myself from Elementary school. So my father propose me to be an entrepreneur.


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