Gathapraya is an annual event held by SMAN 3 Bandung. Gathapraya is a festival that introduces Indonesian culture and arts. The event is held on September 30, 2017. Gathapraya itself means the light of the future.
Well, enough with the introduction.
Now I will tell you about my participation in gathapraya.
I became a committee. I am a Money maker or I am someone who works to find funds. I have done my job actually because my job is to get funds before the event. Well, then what do I do in gathapraya? First, I was in the field of Bali at 5 am. After that I was instructed to lead the parade which will begin in the field of Saparua and end up in the Bali field where the event took place. When the parade event took place my friend wearing Kebaya for women and Pangsi for men. After the Parade I was required to accompany a friend who was sick because they were not strong walking during the parade. After the parade I helped to pick up some stuff until the afternoon I was off duty and joined with my classmates. At 6 pm I watched Tiloes Theater. The theme they choose is the same as the event, the theme is Gathapraya. They performed the drama very spectacularly. After that I watched Vina Painter of sand and afterwards Didik the dancer mask continued with the band Elephant Kind. And finally, arrived at the Hivi show. Hivi is quite popular I think, I really like their new album. Many songs I like from hivi some of them are Teen and Eyes to heart. And there's Nidji Band. I love all Nidji's Songs. Nidji is the best at this event, they are able to make us dance and jump joyfully. At 11 pm the event is finished. Indeed Gathapraya is one of the most unforgetable moment. -P.