Aspiration Day 2019 Aspiration day 2019 is a day where all students of Senior High School 3 Bandung could express their aspirations. The implementation of the 2019 Aspiration Day event was divided into two series of events namely, Festival and KILAS. Aspiration Day 2019 is held by Perwakilan Kelas 65, where one of their functions is to become an Aspirator. One of Their vision is to become a bridge between the three school components, namely the school, students, and OSIS. The festival held on March 26, 2019 was held in the New Hall. This festival is filled with Talkshows from several speakers. The first speaker was Ms. Dr. Keri Lestari, S.Si., M.Sc., Apt. He is the Vice Chancellor for Research, Community Service, Cooperation, Innovation and Business. The talkshow was themed "The importance of aspiring to be a critical and wise teenager." The second talkshow with the speaker Ibu Dian (representing the governor of West Java) themed "The i...
Tur Budaya: Bali
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Tur Budaya or Cultural tour is one of the annual OSIS programs of SMAN 3 Bandung. Our tour destination this time was go to the Dewata Island (Bali). It took 6 days tour. Here is my experience while there. "BALI" The first day I gathered with my friends at Husein Sastranegara Airport at 10 am. Then, checked in and departed at 13.30 because there was a flight delay for 30 minutes. The journey to Bali took 1 hour. Arriving at Ngurah Rai airport, Denpasar, Bali, we headed straight for Jimbaran for a dinner together. Because of the rain poured on Jimbaran, we ended the activity and left to Quest hotel to got some rest. The Second Day began with breakfast in the hotel. after that, we left for Pandawa Beach. Pandawa Beach is one of the tourist areas in South Kuta, Bali. This beach is often called Secret Beach. On the Pandawa beach, we play beside the beach and take pictures. After that, we headed to...
Letter of Recommendation
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To, Mr. Alvito Ahmad 26Almanda drey Street, Bandung, 13 March, 2020 To Whom it May Concern: It is an absolute honor to write this letter of recommendation for acceptance of members of Internasional Health Program for Amanda Christyarti Wirdyatmi . I have had the privilege of knowing Amanda since Junior High School and we have been the best of friends for 4 years. I met Amanda in Junior High School 5 Bandung, we came to be in the same class in 8th Grade. As I got to know Amanda Better, i realized that Amanda is a very nice person. She like to help others. Beside that, she's a kind hearted person and really care about her surrounding. She's a realy good listener and will apreciate everything. I will always remember how she took care of me when i was sick. She is a well prepared woman, she never forgot ro bring medicines everywhere and everytime. She's a reminder too. That's the reason why if i joined the group with her our work and our...
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Edu Passion is one of OSIS work programs as a place to find information about universities in Indonesia. Usually on Edu Passion, There are stands are provided which contain university stands, tutoring stands, and food stands. In addition, Edu passion usually presents speakers from outside the school regarding taking majors. This event is very helpful for students of SMAN 3 Bandung to find out information about universities that are in demand or can be useful for students who are still unsure about the choice of their university.
ABOUT ME ver.2
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Hello! My name is Puspa and my full name is Puspa Chandra Kusuma Wardhani. At 26th November 2019 i will have my sweet 17th birthday. So, now I am 16th years old. I live in Cijeungjing st. South Padalarang. Everyday I go to SMA Negeri 3 Bandung which is in West Belitung number 8 to study except weekend. My chairmate are Ananda, Safina, and Amanda. We usually sit alternately. My father's name is Pamriadi and my mother's name is Tuti Turimayanti. I have one young brother and two young sisters. My brother's name is Aria Kusumawardana and My sisters' name are R. Andini Bonakeraton and R. Ratu Manikmaya. I am a girl who is very active, my excess I am easily familiar with other people besides that also I am a person who is not afraid to appear in front of many people. My courage is not only to appear in front of many people, sometimes I also dare to take risks so that I can be said that people who always dare to take many responsibilities. I am also a person who is alway...
Wedding Invitation
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Our Assignment is to make a wedding invitation. Me and my group made a simple wedding invitation. Host : Mr. and Mrs. Firdaus and Mr. and Mrs. Prima Date : 27 Oktober 2019 Time : 10 a.m. Place : Maldives Palace, 26th mars st. Special Instruction (Dress code) : Formal dress (Navy blue and white) RSPV : Fya Taufik (081320386236)